Why is their hair so different?
And please no stupid racist comments
Wh do people of African origin ( ie Balck people) have different hair to Caucasian and Asian people?
Caucasian races are adapted to live in areas where the sunlight is less intense and hours of daylight are shorter, their skin and hair tend to be paler and thinner to allow more light through which is amongst other things used in the production of vitamin D.
African races originating in a much sunnier part of the world have darker skin to reduce the amount of light penetrating the skin, their hair is generally thicker, darker and curlier which also protects against harmful amounts of radiation.
White races can have problems with sunburn, ageing of the skin and skin cancers when exposed to the African sun, inversely Black people can develop a vitamin D deficiency in more temperate climates, although as far as I am aware this isn't very common in modern times.
Wh do people of African origin ( ie Balck people) have different hair to Caucasian and Asian people?
thats the way their genics are
Wh do people of African origin ( ie Balck people) have different hair to Caucasian and Asian people?
Does your yahoo answers have "spell check" Please use it.
Wh do people of African origin ( ie Balck people) have different hair to Caucasian and Asian people?
It's called Kertin, Blacks don't have a lot of kertin in the hair shaft.
Wh do people of African origin ( ie Balck people) have different hair to Caucasian and Asian people?
i heard they have more of a human form of "rubber"... but that was from my crazy 9th grade science teacher...so take it with a grain of salt...and he was black also
Wh do people of African origin ( ie Balck people) have different hair to Caucasian and Asian people?
Because of the heat in Africa,it causes their hair to become coarse and short.Caucasian people needed longer hair to stay warm as we migrated north from Africa.It's called evolution.
Wh do people of African origin ( ie Balck people) have different hair to Caucasian and Asian people?
Africans generally have flat hair follicles making their hair curly
Caucasions generally have intermediate hair follicles making their hair wavy
Asians generally have straight hair follicles making their hair straight
but there are variations within each group
Wh do people of African origin ( ie Balck people) have different hair to Caucasian and Asian people?
isnt it becauz of differrent race
Wh do people of African origin ( ie Balck people) have different hair to Caucasian and Asian people?
As a Black person, that is a hard question to answer because I have family with all different types of natural hair texture. Chop it up to genetics and adaption location origin. To the person with the weird science teacher who told you our hair is like rubber should be shot for saying such a rediculous thing.
Wh do people of African origin ( ie Balck people) have different hair to Caucasian and Asian people?
i don't know that but i do know that they also have different body hair and pubic hair, on someone of African origin its coarse all over, on Asian people, the hair in their head is coarse but their body hair and pubic hair is soft, and on Caucasian people its the opposite, soft hair on head and coarse on the body, that's all i know sorry.
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