Saturday, August 1, 2009

Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?


Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?

Because it's sexy. XP

Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?

We're hot, just admit it! You can't resist us!

Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?

Because we have more melanin than people from the west... that's why?

Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?

this world cannot be of one color..everone like colorful flowrs..similarly god like coloful humans.. white, brown, black.. hmm may be chemistry of blood is different cuz asian countries are hotter compare to other countries... lol

btw why most north americans have white skin??

Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?


Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?

Actually, Chinese, Japanese, and American Indian people have dark hair and eyes. There are a variety of hair types for various peoples. As to why? Don't know.

Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?

Panatack is right, but they have the same skin and hair because they evolved that way, in Asia (native Siberians and Mongolians look this way too. Their archaic homo heidellbergensis ancestors started this trend in a response to their cold glacial environment. How ever about 30,000 years ago during a period of intense glaciation, people from Asia and Siberia walked across the bearing straits (during that time it was the Bering land bridge)to the Americas (during glaciation (or huge amounts of glaciers) huge amounts of water are trapped in glaciers and sea levels subsequently drop allowing ancient Asians to cross into the American continents

Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?

Because of the melanin in your skin. We are all of one race as God tells us in the bible. Science proves that we are less that one percent different from each other. Because we are all descended from Adam %26amp; Eve. We don't evolve, we adapt to our enviroment. Evolving means that you've changed into some thing completely different. Such as turning from a chicken into dog. Never happened.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living. Genesis 3:20

Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?

because they heard blondes were stupid

Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?

Genetics!! duh You can't question that, it just is. It's like true black people and kinky hair (when I say true blacks, I mean where there is mix in the lineage)

Why do most asian people have dark hair and eyes?

Because their ancestors lived in environment that had more sun exposure then white blue eyes people. The darker skin, hair and eye help protect your body for sun damage. Skin and sunlight seem to be key to how we process several vitamins and nutrients.

Color is controlled by Melanin (acts as a protective biological shield against ultraviolet radiation), blood, and fat tissue.

More and more studies are showing skin color and related amount of sunlight do affect peoples health. And that people who are from bright sunny place, like Africa that now live in dark regions like Minnesota will suffer more health problems unless the adjust their diet to make up for the lack of sunlight. (Most common research had been done with Vitamin "D") By the same token people the evolved from low light area's like Moscow that now live in brighter climate like Florida suffer from things like a higher rate of skin cancer and heat stroke.

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